Sociology of terrorism


Social science of illegal intimidation is an area of humanism that looks to grasp psychological warfare as a social peculiarity. The field characterizes psychological warfare, concentrates on why it happens and assesses its effects on society. The social science of psychological oppression draws from the fields of political theory, history, financial matters and brain research. … Read more



The social science of economics (/ˌɛkəˈnɒmɪks, ˌiːkə-/)[1] examines the creation, allocation, and utilization of commodities and amenities.[/2][/3] Economics is the study of how economies function and the activities and interactions of economic agents. The study of microeconomics examines what are thought to be the fundamental components of the economy, such as individual agents, markets, and … Read more

Political ecology

Political ecology

The study of the connections between political, economic, and social variables and environmental problems and changes is known as political ecology. By making environmental phenomena and issues more political, political ecology departs from apolitical ecological research. The academic field includes extensive research on a variety of subjects including environmental conflict, marginalization and degradation, control and … Read more

World-systems theory


World-systems theory is a multidisciplinary approach to world history and social change that stresses the world-system (and not nation states) as the major (but not exclusive) unit of social study. It is also known as world-systems analysis or the world-systems perspective.[/3] The term “world-system” describes the global division of labor that occurs between regions and … Read more